In-game Story:

You play as Dave, a man in his early twenties that lives in California. He just wants to play video games but some pesky demons are invading his world. So he goes to hell and back to be able to enjoy his weekend in peace.

Gameplay Description:

Dodge or shoot the fireballs that the demons launch out in bullet-hell-like fashion. A new portal will open up to the next level once all the demons have been slain. Complete all 5 levels, and return home in one piece.

Development Background Story:

This game was originally made in one weekend (04/06/2018 - 04-08-2018) for the JimJam game jam. The theme of the game jam was inspiration, which meant you were to make a game that was inspired by a person, place, or thing. I chose California due to its almost year long summer heat which may or may not be an exaggeration.


W - Move up.

A - Move left.

S - Move down.

D - Move right.

Move Mouse - Aim

Hold Left or Right Mouse Button - Shoot

Left Shift or Space - Dash (Invulnerable)


It's Hot As Hell In California (Windows) 28 MB


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Great game, especially considering it was made in a weekend. Just wish I could get past level 2!